Jamshedpur Ashram (Bihar)
  With this city of factories, Ma has her special age-old connection. Ma came here for the first time in 1936. There is an interesting incident about this place. During one of her earlier visits to this town, devotees being spell-bound were sitting before Ma. It was almost the middle of night, but nobody rose from their seats. Some old devotee remarked: 'What is the reason that people working in the din and bustle of factories for the whole day are sitting silently before you even at this odd hour ? Have you given them any medicinal pill ?" Ma replied with a smile: "Father, you have also taken the same pill."

In 1937 on the occasion of the birthday function of Ma she was herself present. Through the efforts of the devotees of this place the work of constructing a temple and the Ashram building on the bank of the river Suvarnarekha in Kadma area in Jamshedpur was completed. Regular satsangs and various other charitable and social activities are regular features of this Ashram today.

Address :
Near Bhatia Park, Kadma
P.O. Jamsedpur-831005 (Bihar)
Ph: 0657-2306245

The Official website of the Shree Shree Anandamayee Sangha